Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by J. Drew Lanham

Orange and brown bird perches on stump with beak open pointing toward the sky

A Renaming Committee of One

Amid discussion of renaming birds that are named after people, ornithologist J. Drew Lanham forms a “committee of one” to choose his own names for birds. In this episode, he suggests two “better, melodiously appropriate” names for two species named after John Bachman.
Male Northern Cardinal stands in forefront with wildflowers in the background

My Grandmother’s Ornithology, and Mine

In this episode, J. Drew Lanham shares how his grandmother’s personal names for the birds helped shape his own relationships with birds. Names such as “redbirds” for Northern Cardinals, “rain crows” for Yellow-billed Cuckoos, and “cat owls” for Great Horned Owls help him feel personally…
A yellow bird with black face markings and olive green-yellow wings is perched on a branch in partial sunlight, facing the viewer.

Letter to a Kentucky Warbler

In this episode, ornithologist J. Drew Lanham reads a letter he has written to a Kentucky Warbler, an “uber-skulky” species that’s hard to find but brings “warbler-iffic joy” when Drew hears them.
A small trim bird looks directly at the viewer as it perches on the end of a broken branch.

Letter to an Olive-sided Flycatcher

In this episode, ornithologist J. Drew Lanham reads a letter he has written to an Olive-sided Flycatcher, a beloved bird that he pleads with to visit the dead pine tree on the edge of his home by a mountain lake.
Male pileated Woodpecker seen in profile, showing long sharp beak, black body, white stripes on the throat and bright red crest feathers on his head

Letter to a Pileated Woodpecker

In this episode, ornithologist J. Drew Lanham reads a letter he has written to a Pileated Woodpecker, a large species of woodpecker that is sometimes mistaken for the Ivory-billed Woodpecker.
A small slender bird with short pointed beak, pale breast and grey-brown head sits atop a broken branch, against a diffused green background.

Letter to an Eastern Wood-Pewee

In this episode, ornithologist J. Drew Lanham reads a letter he has written to a wood-pewee, a flycatcher with an “understatedly simple and definitive” song that says the bird’s name.
A small plump bird with dark charcoal-color plumage, pink beak, and white belly is perched on slender dry branches.

Letter to a Dark-eyed Junco

In this episode, ornithologist J. Drew Lanham shares a note he has written to a Dark-eyed Junco, which he fondly nicknames “snowbird.”