Image: The Ultimate Bird Drawing Throwdown Showdown Graphic featuring images of David Sibley and H. Jon Benjamin

Join BirdNote tomorrow, November 30th!

Illustrator David Sibley and actor H. Jon Benjamin will face off in the bird illustration battle of the century during BirdNote's Year-end Celebration and Auction!


Shows With Contributions by Jonese Franklin

A Laughing Gull on a beach stands with head turned to the side

Birding 101: Where to Find Birds

There’s no wrong place to search for birds — looking out the window and listening for calls and songs is a great place to start. But you might be curious where else to look. In this episode, get a few quick tips on good places to find birds.
A Carolina Wren sings from a branch softly illuminated in the shade

Deja Perkins on Gaps in Bird Observations

For her PhD, Deja Perkins is studying datasets generated by the public, also known as participatory science projects. These projects include eBird, a site where anyone can upload bird observations. And they’re essential to conservation efforts. But Deja says that not every area is well…
A Willow Flycatcher perches near the end of a branch with spiderwebs

On World Migratory Bird Day, Think of Insects

Today is World Migratory Bird Day, which recognizes the incredible journeys birds make, the challenges they face, and how we can help them on their way. This year, the focus is on a part of bird migration that is often overlooked: insects. Tiny insects provide food for birds’ big journey…
A closeup of a Double-crested Cormorant with a bright blue eye with a blue sky in the background

Birding 101: Finding Birds Any Time of Day

Morning is a great time for birding – that’s the peak of singing and foraging activity for many species. But it’s not the only time to experience birds. Some species, such as American Robins, sing for much of the day. Daytime predators such as hawks and cormorants are active in the middle…
About a dozen photographers line up on a beach at sunrise to capture photos of birds

Birding 101: Learning How to Strike Out

When you go birding, sometimes you’re in the right place at the right time and there are more species than you can count. Other times, not so lucky. Striking out when looking for birds is frustrating. But a bad day of birding can teach you a lot. Try doing some research into the conditions…
Smartphone lays face up with cables and headset connected

An App That Helps You Hear High-Pitched Bird Songs

For years, nature recordist Lang Elliott came up with clever ways to hear high-pitched bird songs despite his high-frequency hearing loss. Lang teamed up with a programmer to develop an app called Hear Birds Again. Currently it’s only available for iPhones, but it’s able to take high-pitch…
A Painted Bunting perches with head turned to the left

Observe First, Photograph Second

When Day Scott teaches people how to take pictures of birds, she emphasizes observing birds carefully before picking up the camera. Sometimes that means choosing whether or not to even attempt a photo. In this episode, Day shares a story about choosing whether or not to try and photograph…
Bring Birds Back Podcast art

A Will and a Wildway

Have you ever worried you’d hit a wild animal while driving down a highway or country road? In this special season closer, we learn about a new and promising future for wildlife and battered cars: wildways. As technology and development continue to expand, infrastructure and fragmentation…
Bring Birds Back Podcast art

Stone-Cold Hydrilla

25 years ago, a mysterious cause of eagle and osprey deaths plagued a small town in Arkansas. And in this special episode, we get to the root of it all: small unassuming weeds, also known as invasive aquatic species. In conversation with aquatic plant experts Stacy Holt Jr. and Greg Bugbee…
Yellow-rumped Warbler stands on branch

Birding 101: Bird Vocab Basics

Any hobby or special interest has its own jargon. You’ll pick up on the silly slang that birders use as you go – like calling the Yellow-rumped Warbler “butterbutt.” Still, learning a few basics of bird vocab is useful when you’re starting out. It’ll help you ask better questions when you…