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BirdNote listener Catherine Alexander recently told of watching a Bushtit, in search of the perfect bit of stuff for its nest. It found a tattered, old sock, hanging from a tree. The Bushtit grabbed a frayed bit of elastic and pulled. The elastic held strong. Bushtit pulled. Elastic held. The Bushtit's wing-power began to fail, and the elastic slowly, inexorably, returned to its original length, Bushtit in tow.
Have you seen something amusing or inspiring in the world of birds? Tell Birdnote your tale.
The Bushtit vs. the Elastic
Written by Bob Sundstrom
This is BirdNote!
[Bushtit chatter]
Bushtits are tiny birds of the Western United States, about the size of a kinglet. A BirdNote listener, Catherine Alexander, recently told us of her encounter with a Bushtit. The story is best told in Catherine’s own words:
“Down in the Bay Area, there's a park, and sometime in the past, someone had tossed a sock into the branches of a tree there. It must have been awhile back, because that sock was close to disintegration now, hanging in a grey clump with chaffs of thread and elastic sticking out all over.
And this Bushtit came along, looking for that perfect bit of thread with which to weave its nest. [Bushtit chatter throughout] The Bushtit grabbed one of those frayed bits of elastic and pulled. And pulled. And pulled. The elastic, however, was still attached. Bushtit pulled, flapping full-speed reverse. Elastic stretched. Bushtit pulled some more. Elastic stretched some more. Bushtit did not let go. Bushtit did not let go even as its wing-power began to fail and the elastic slowly, inexorably, returned to its original length, Bushtit in tow.
So the Bushtit tried again.
The score while I watched: Bushtit 0, Elastic 3.” [Bushtit chatter throughout]
Catherine thank you for that story!
Have you seen something amusing or inspiring in the world of birds? Send us your tale at BirdNote.org. I’m Mary McCann.
Call of the Bushtit provided by The Macaulay Library at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, New York. Recorded by G.A. Keller
Producer: John Kessler
Executive Producer: Chris Peterson
© 2010 Tune In to Nature.org May 2010
ID# 071207BUSH2KPLU BUSH-03b